How to make an amulet with your own hands: a master class on making amulets for luck and money. What talismans will cheer the owner up or strengthen his health?
8 December 2021
How to correctly use a coin amulet to attract money and good luck? How to make an amulet for prosperity and wealth with your own hands? What is the best coin to create a money talisman? Discover the answers in the article.
27 October 2021
When making an amulet for money and good luck with your own hands, it is important to remember that its strength depends a lot on internal energy, it is important to believe in its effectiveness and magical effect.
28 August 2021
From time immemorial to attract financial good luck charms helped. In monetary talisman that provides stable occupancy of the purse, you can turn even a normal coin
17 August 2018