Everyone wants to be successful and rich that no one could depend. Wealth opens many doors, gives confidence. To do this, by all means not prohibited by law and morality. Important in the attainment of prosperity – perseverance and hard work, but sometimes something interferes, not enough luck. To reach them at all times and in all cultures there was a special omens, rituals, talismans. The greatest power have charms made with your own hands. Will talk about it: how to handle finances so they did not go and how to make the right amulets for money.
The concept of the amulet
Stick to the modern interpretations of value because over time they have changed. The amulet, according to the dictionary, the object worn on the body, which has magical properties against diseases, misfortune and attract good luck. A synonym is a talisman. However, it the values do not match. Amulet – crafted thing, and the mascot can be any subject that has for a host of special importance. To avoid confusion, we will be consumed in a single value.
Amulets for money and rules for the use of

Their countless and the list will depend on the religion and culture of the country interested. In Ireland – clover-Shamrock in China – frog in the Slavic culture – a spoon, a sign the fern flower and others. Now, a few erased the boundaries of countries and cultures, so do not be ashamed to use native mascots. The question arises: how to choose the mascot? You can find tips on how to make a hand-made amulet, offers to buy already ready guardian, to apply the symbols zodiac sign. Clear advice, no one will. Refer to the MAG – he advises a talisman that is able to do and checked himself, the old wise men proceed from their experience, but that does not mean that the amulet is right for you. In choosing a mascot to stick to the rules:
- You need to choose the mascot of the religion, which is closest to avoid any contradictions;
- Use common sense. You need to turn off common sense, reason and listen to the inner voice. Go by yourselves, keeping in mind the idea of success. The way there, myself.
- Intuition is just looking for amulet online store and select the one you like. This is one of the main rules is the mascot must be to the soul. He wants to touch, to stroke and admire him. Found – so it will work. Cash symbols to follow. Perhaps it will be understandable only to you, but the question of money and luck you need to keep in mind during the selection;
- There is a perception that the most powerful amulet is made with their own hands. The truth is, but do not forget that any thing done in good faith, with clear thoughts. Not want or do not know – do not force yourself;
- To make a gift amulets can with full confidence in the good intentions of man. Presented the mascot of the clean salt. It is impossible to accept as a gift the empty dish, an empty wallet, an empty piggy Bank. These items originally programmed for poverty;
- Raising money to help red. You can use thread, garment accessory, decoration. Can't decide on an amulet – buy red purse;
- An effective mascot can be a decoration. Choose jewelry and not jewelry. Use the banknotes.
If you chose the amulet, you need to decide to define him. Depends on the type of talisman. Decoration carry, from time to time to clean. Small figures, figurines, carry in a purse or inner compartment of the bag. Large shapes put into the house. The location you choose. On right place the talisman doesn't hurt the eyes and looks organic, so move the thing. Amulets Feng Shui position according to the philosophy in the area of money.
On the issue of financial well-being is not the last role played by attitude to Finance. No amulet will not help if you do not comply with the rules of respectful attitude to money:
- Thinks money, not help them where necessary. Place for the money purse. Piggy banks, boxes is fine if you collect them there and not just put down because you no longer where. Wear the purse belongs in the bag and not put it on the table;
- Use a large red or Golden purse;
- Money is stored in expanded form in the full length, not folded in half four times;
- Remove from wallet all the extra notes, receipts, tickets. As for the photos, many of them are here, but you can't do it. In your wallet have a Bank card. Discounts, business cards, badges should be removed and relocated in a special case;
- If the wallet breaks – to throw out;
- Love money account. Periodically count the cash;
- Paper bills and coins together do not keep. Must be left clean and in the wallet and in the Bank;
- Money attracts money. Don't spend everything to zero, even if expected. Always store a large bill that cannot be redeemed, but rather two, to procreate.
Things in order and life is the key to success and peace of mind.
Runes as a talisman
Each rune, once a part of writing, now has a special meaning and magical effect. To attract money, the following signs:
- Fehu. Major rune on the issue of financial well-being. In addition, it gives people strength to carry out any plans and achieve all objectives.
- Yer. The character of remuneration for work. Hard work will bring wealth.
- Otal. Means property. Helps to get support from influential people, who had already intervened in your life.
- Dagaz. Denotes prosperity, prospects, opportunities. If important, increase, use it. It gives positive outcome.
To use runes you can own and in any combination, depending on the meaning of the talisman. You can buy finished, but you can make yourself, but remember what is written on the plastic they will not work. Use of natural materials. If you'll apply yourself, then apply natural dyes, preferably ochre. The metal runes are knocked out. A mascot should always keep to the owner to attract good luck and wealth.
Figures of animals and insects

Remember the most common that are used as charms to attract money:
- Trokhpalaya frog. The mascot came from Feng Shui, and therefore apply to the rules. The frog must keep in his mouth a coin, it must be removed. For greater action of the frog should be placed close to a water source: fountain, aquarium, fine painting with the image of water or wipe the frog every day with a wet cloth;
- Elephants (trunk up). Nice as a pendant, but also the statuette in the form of an elephant looks by the way;
- Turtle. Another Chinese symbol. Application rules as with the frog;
- Bumblebee. It involves a ritual. The first bumblebee to be caught alive and put in a purse. The corpse insect of garbage belongs to. Custom hard and requires some skill. Replacement of a live insect figure. She found glass jewelry, made with their own hands from threads. It doesn't matter, it is necessary that it has always been in your wallet.
The greatest effect have the charms of precious metals or simply gold shade.
Nerazmennyye bills
This is not necessarily the bill. Coin will work also. The question only in the denomination. The higher the denomination the better. If you want you can use foreign money, or anniversary. For efficiency, keep them in a separate pocket of the purse and can't tell anyone. If you gave a purse with money, leave the contents as Nerazmennogo.
A variation of the previous amulet. Carry a lucky charm. Does not fit in a purse — stitch for a stone pouch and keep it in a bag. It is necessary that the stone was a precious or semi-precious. Do not buy cut stones have been removed energy. The ideal option is to find a nugget of their own. Some argue that the most effective emerald. Apparently, because of the green color, but you must choose the one that works and warm up in your hands.
Amulet to attract money with their hands
This mascot remembers its owner, takes over part of the energy. The amulet begins to work faster and securely helping in the issue of success in financial Affairs. Here are just a few popular types. You can choose what you want.
Imperial coin
In fact – the coin conspiracy. History dates back to the first Russian Emperor Peter Alekseevich Romanov. A monk of the Trinity Sergius Lavra talking to him the king a coin, having the prayers of the night. Since then the Emperor has made a lot of cases in which he was lucky. This amulet began to wish every one, it concerns not only ordinary people but also leaders who in those times asked for this in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. To make this amulet can each independently according to the rules:
- Select the appropriate coin. You can find tips to get it on the road, but this is not worth. The money involved in the many ceremonies that culminate in the throwing money. Where is the guarantee that you have picked up, with a false negative. Not wonder about the found money say, "More to lose than to find." I advise you to take a commemorative coin, antique, jewelry, although any suitable.
- Wait until midnight of the full moon.
- Put a coin on a piece of red cloth.
- Tie with a thread of green.
- Read the plot on wealth and financial profit. The unified text no. As in any other conspiracy or prayer – the words should come from the heart. Tell us about the problems, the aspirations, dreams and prospects.
- Hide the amulet in a safe place.
To give the amulet of power will help faith in him.
Magic cord
This amulet is intended to draw money and success. He does so:
- Take natural strands of green, red, yellow or blue, to symbolize, respectively, wealth, love, health, realization of goals. Use them separately or together, depending on the required areas.
- Gossip of them a bracelet. Can be in the form of braids, and can be something more beautiful. With proper skill you can make marks to represent characters. It is desirable to work during the full moon.
- At the time of weaving visualize desire. Remember that the brighter the image, the more likely the dream will come true. Try to imagine as many details as possible, your feelings, actions, reactions of loved ones.
- Put on the left ankle and wait for luck, which will help to realize the dreams.
Cash cord is good not only from a magical standpoint, but also psychological. Netting helps to focus on the object of desire, lay the path of achieving the goal into stages, to calm down.
The herbal pouch
Long been used as a talisman. In addition cash pouch can calm aroma of herbs and tactile contact. In addition to herbs there you go a variety of things depending on the task. Rules of creation of money of the mascot are:
- Apply cash fabric color: yellow, green, gold, silver.
- Visualize the goal. Imagine what would you do with sudden wealth, imagine the emotions, the setting, the details.
- Fill all synonymous wealth: magnet, money, beads, stones. According to Gypsy legends promise riches and feather. From plants, use mint, sage, ginger, maple, acorns, oak leaves and bark, Jasmine, rosemary.
- Tie the neck with a red thread woven in braid and hide in a secret place.
Not worth to tell anyone about it.
Cash ball

This is not a personal amulet, and the home. It is intended to bring good luck to all the people who live in the apartment. Rules of manufacturing are:
- Use green thread and a coin.
- Coin wrap thread like a cocoon.
- Secure the ends.
- Hang the amulet over the front door.
Generally, with regard to amulet or ritual, its effectiveness depends on the faith of man. Perhaps the magic in all this, but the owner, believing it will make you feel more confident during the difficulties not to give up and not to fall into despair. Programming yourself for success – an effective psychological technique and things in this play a major role, as well as ceremonies.