Money talisman is the most relevant today. It is difficult to find a person who would not want a comfortable life.

Need to buy them in the store, many of them are easy to make at home.
How to make the amulet with his own hands at home?
Talisman to attract money can represent almost anything. It can be bracelets, rings, necklaces, coins or bills charged. Most importantly is the relationship which is established between a talisman and its owner. To acquire a magical object is not difficult. Build it your hands will not be difficult.
The most common varieties of money amulet include:
- Talisman of wax;
- Pendant with natural stone;
- A charged banknote;
- Decoration of the coins;
- Amulets with the symbol of the rune;
For making money talisman, you can use any available materials. Most often, the preference for wood, clay or cardboard. The amulet should consist of two parts round shape. They should be the same size. Each of them is a small hole, it odevaetsya thread. Preferably, red. Directly on the amulet cause the symbol runes, designed to increase the wealth of the owner.
The most simple money talismans can be attributed to the charged bill. In this case, do not need tinkering. However, not each banknote is fit for this important function. Series specified it should be fully repeated the initials of the owner. And the numbers after the two letters at least in part must match the date of birth. Should pay attention on your first 4-6 digits. Ideally, if the date is repeated in full. To spend this bill is not necessary. Being close to the owner, she brings him luck in the financial sector.
A wax talisman is made from ordinary candles. The main rule of the manufacturing process – the time at which it will occur. You must select a day in the beginning of the waxing moon. The process of manufacture it is desirable to produce in the dead of night. Bought a candle should be placed in a beaker of suitable size and light it. While the candle burns, the future owner of a talisman to list their desires. Information is stored in the melted wax. Thus, the resulting figure becomes the Keeper of the wishes of the owner. It must be carefully removed from glass and placed in any bag to avoid damage. This talisman brings the owner happiness and fulfillment of desires.

Not less efficacious talismans are those that are made from natural stones. Properly selecting it, you can protect your savings and ensure success in financial endeavors. It is best to choose stone of the amulet in accordance with the zodiac system. Because what brings success to one sign may be the cause of unhappiness of the other.
These ornaments do not carry a decorative function. Despite its attractiveness, they are used solely as a mascot. Therefore, you should hide the thing from prying eyes. The best place for her hand-embroidered bag in red.
The quality of the material used natural thread. A mandatory principle that you need to consider is embroidery of a single picture, not individual characters. So before you begin, you need to clearly understand what will result. After work, the talisman must be consecrated by the four elements. The first night it needs to be under the glow of the moon, and then to absorb the sun's energy, thereafter to be inflated by the winds and finally doused with water. After all the manipulations talisman gets its magic power and brings its owner prosperity.
Lucky charms out of coins
Talisman of coins also can be produced with your own hands. For this you need to follow the rules of the implementation technology. First, select the coin of any denomination. It is desirable that it was an ancient coin with a unique history. In the absence of such, you can use other options.
As a frame of the amulet formed a small circle of wire. Its size must match with the coin. Decoration of the frame is wrapped around its slim wire. In free space the coin is inserted and clamped with pliers. With the help of wire you can build a hole for threading the chain.
Obtained the amulet must first be charged and then use to the fullest. Coin talisman must always be beside his master, but not in front of strangers.
How to charge an amulet?
The presence of the talisman is not enough in order to attract wealth. Before you start to use it, you must perform the ritual of consecration. For this you need to choose a time when no one will disturb us. At this point, need to be in good spirits. On a completely clean table, you have to put the mascot image upwards. This should burn a candle, preferably green.
Thinking about how the amulet is filled with energy, you need to hold the flame around him three times clockwise and three times after.

After the ceremony, you should remove the amulet in the bag. If it's bill, you should fold it and hide in a distant division of the purse. The most important condition is the presence of faith in the talisman. Without it even the most efficient of them will not perform their functions. Should be established a close relationship with the owner. Otherwise, the energy of the magical item will be sent to the void.