People in all times believed in strong support of external forces, which can be obtained through a variety of amulets.
Endowed with positive energy charms are able to bring the human life of success and wealth, about which he had long dreamed of. Magical talismans you can buy in the stores, but also to do with your hands.
Features charms made with your own hands

The amulet is a magical item that is endowed with a certain force. To ensure that the amulet is actually performing its tasks, its owner, it is important to believe in such magic. Otherwise the amulet will be useless decoration and nothing more.
Each mascot carries a specific purpose — to bring in a person's life, success, health, money, love, and t.. d. the Greatest power of the products created with their own hands and not bought in a store. This is because in the process of creating the amulet is man fully gives it its positive energy directed to own well-being. Also, it is possible to produce a mascot for the family and loved ones. It is important that which gives the amulet the man was doing it exclusively with good intentions.
To make it at home mascot simply. The main thing — to choose all necessary available materials and patience. To make an amulet can be made of wood, stone, fabric and any other materials. It is important during the creation of the talisman believes in his ability, only in this case it will operate most successfully for the benefit of his master.
There are many different versions of the talismans which are created for success. The most popular charms that attracts good luck and wealth.
It is these good things of life most in demand in modern humans.
When creating talismans with his hands, it is important to consider a number of conditions, fulfillment of which will provide an opportunity to maximize the effectiveness of DIY:
- Talisman will act positively only in the presence of his owner confidence in the magical properties of the product.
- It is best to create the amulet at midnight. Created by moonlight talismans endowed with particularly strong magical energy, which enters with the moonlight.
- It is important to do a mascot one of those materials that most of all lies the soul of its owner. The amulet should evoke positive emotions in their appearance.
- When creating amulets, it is desirable to take into account your zodiac sign. Each sign corresponds to a specific color, which is most favorable for representatives of this sign.
- It is not necessary to tell other people about your amulet and show it. Also, it is strictly forbidden to let strangers hold him. All these actions will lead to the transfer of other people of their energy into the talisman and the destruction of its magical properties.
Amulets to attract good luck
There are the following options of charms that can easily be done by hand.
Stone source

Need to find a valid source and at the source to pick up a small stone. On a stone surface you need to draw a picture that represents an existing desire. This may be the purchase of apartments, cars, trip to the sea etc.
After that, the stone is strongly clamped in my fist and walk with him source counterclockwise three times. All the time the way it is important to concentrate on your desire and request that luck contributed in achieving the set goal. After the third round of the pebble, which acts as amulet, you need to quit back to the source and go home.
Braid of yarn
This amulet is best done in the days of the full moon or when the moon is waxing. It need a thread of three colors: red, blue and green.
The red color in this case is to embody the power of desire, blue is a performance guarantee, and green — the promise of wealth. Of the three strands needed to weave a small braid and join the ends so that the result is a bracelet. The bracelet needs to dress up to the ankle.
During weaving it is important to think about your desire and concentrate on the request to the higher powers that they attracted good fortune for the fulfillment of this desire. It is recommended to present the picture corresponding to the execution of the desire (e.g., to provide a time of settling into a new house in the presence of the dream of a new house).
If you imagine the picture does not work, allowed just the desire to say aloud in the process of weaving braids. When the product is ready, tie it around the ankle of the left leg. It is important to wear the amulet all the time, not taking off. To remove the mascot only after the wish will come true. The amulet is needed after use to burn, sending thoughts of gratitude to higher powers for assistance in the implementation of the plan.
Talisman of cardboard
You must take a thick piece of cardboard and a pen with vivid intense color. Cardboard is recommended to choose gold color because this color symbolizes good luck. At midnight, you need to sit down and paint pen on cardboard on the sign — pentacle. This image of a special mark, inside which is a wheel of fortune. This image focuses on the achievement of cherished desires and attract good luck.
It is believed that the pentacle acts as a magnet, attracting into a person's life luck. Examples of images of pentacle can be viewed on the Internet. During the creation on the cardboard image to mentally recite the following text: "the Amulet so help me to get what I want." After the completion of the pattern, it is enclosed in the circle symmetrical. The resulting circle cut them out. In order to increase the magical power of the amulet is created, it is possible to dip the resulting cardboard circle into the wax of the candle. The candle should be lit immediately before the creation of the amulet.
After completion of all action necessary to hold the amulet in his hand and mentally ask for help from higher forces, which are responsible for attracting good luck. This will help charge the talisman needed positive energy, which will continue to work for the benefit of the owner of the amulet.
Amulets to attract money
The following ideas can be used when creating amulets to attract wealth.
Cash pouch

You should prepare a small bag for money. Make it from the tight piece of cloth of white color. Finished pouch to sprinkle Holy water three times and whisper the text "our father." Next, you need to prepare some coins. They can be of any value. Importantly, coins were as much as possible and filled their bag was quite heavy. Every coin must cross, sprinkle Holy water.
After that, the coins are laid on a flat surface (it should not be a table) and in turn closer to the face. Every time you pronounce the following text: "kopek, ruble to the Russian ruble, all to the court." After reciting the text on each coin, all coins are added to the bag. The bag is tied and placed in a closed from prying eyes the place. No one needs to know about the existence of the amulet and the place of his stay.
Cash cap
For this particular amulet you will need any pen (ball point, gel pen), banknote of any value. Money curl up into a narrow tube so that the diameter to match the circumference of the handle. To twist the bill needed an eagle inside. The resulting tube should be fixed with tape. In this form the bill will act as a cap on a pen. Each time after using the pen for its intended purpose are required to wear similar "monetary" cap.
Success in financial Affairs will come to your mascot immediately. It is important to note that the length of the amulet (handle while wearing her cap) must comply with the fourth Imperial size.
This amulet is the most popular and long-proven in practice. All that is required to create it is a big banknote. The higher the denomination of the banknote, the more income it will attract. Therefore, the selection of bills as low dignity as a bargaining chip, it is important to understand that the level of luck in financial matters will be quite low.
Prepared bill should not be a random sign of the money, and the current tender, which went to his master, with a particularly successful circumstances. For example, money could be gifted to a loved one, received as a result of winning the lottery or earned as profit in a new business, etc. Such positive aspect of getting this bill greatly enhances her magical capabilities. The banknote should be placed in a separate compartment of the purse where it will not be directly in contact with the other in circulation money.
This banknote will always be kept in the office and not to leave him, bringing to the owner of the purse financial success and prosperity. It is important to note that to include bill in your wallet is necessary when the growing moon.
Elena: Used as an amulet for good luck pigtail of three colors of thread. At that time, I had a task of my diploma, and I'm attracted to success for a successful defense. I think my amulet help me believe in myself.
Vladimir: for many years carry in his purse a thousand, which is in a separate pocket and I've not used. Perhaps it really works because the finances I'm always all right.