in ancient times people believed in the magical power of objects. And often buy or make various talismans and charms that can bring prosperity in life.
Great relevance today use various talismans to attract money and luck, designed to change the course of life and financial situation for the better. Especially if made with his own hands.

About the mascot
Under the talisman (amulet) made to understand the specific decoration or object. He is credited with magical properties, able to bring to life, well-being, happiness, success and serve as a talisman against negative influence from outside. The owners of these amulets prefer to wear them on the body.
It attracts more positive energy and goodwill on the part of white magic. Mascots are hidden at home, in secluded places where they will serve as a source of financial well-being.
To put the amulets on display at the unwritten rules is not necessary, because they are able to accumulate the negative energy coming from other people.
Charms, attracting money
Money in the modern world to determine many things, but even in ancient times people thought about the question of financial well-being. And often tried to find a solution through making various charms.
Their quality could be a horseshoe, a variety of plants and objects. People decorated their runes, symbols, applied the zodiacal signs.
The main colors were green, purple and red that contribute to success in winning large sums of money, finding treasure and so on. But even the most powerful talisman for money and good fortune are not able to conjure up a big pile of money or a bag of gold.
Its main task – to attract good luck in various endeavors and Affairs. And from the person should be a strong message, because the talisman is charged with the energy from him.
This can help in a special magical ritual that takes place during the hollow moon. You must take a talisman, put on ornaments of gold or banknotes of large denomination.
Then you should put a few drops of essential oil (clover), visualizing the acquisition of a large amount of money, fulfillment of cherished desires in the field of Finance. This ritual is great for making a successful commercial deals.
Choose money mascot
The correct talisman will help to attract the life of their hands the success and monetary well-being. Today, simply buy ready-made mascot in the store or special shop.
But amulets, created with his own hands, possess more strength and help much better. The question of how to make a mascot, no big deal.
Recently gaining popularity the following types of amulets:
You will need red, blue and green thread. They need to weave the braid, thinking about financial abundance, new job, lottery winnings and so on. Should put a comma at the ankle of the left leg, to connect the ends like a bracelet. Not allowed to take it off, while expectations of money and luck are not fulfilled completely. Then the bracelet must burn it, mentally thanking the Universe for help.
You need to take a small stick of cinnamon, a few slices of ginger, pine needles, eucalyptus leaves and carefully grind in a mortar and pestle. During the preparation of the herbal mixture, it is to visualize your desired dream. You then pour the grass inside fabric bag, stitched himself.
You need to take a coin or a dollar bill and carefully roll up in a wool yarn green color, forming a small ball. The end of the thread, you need to carefully to fix the tangle is not PERSOLVO. The finished talisman should be placed above the working door, office, home or apartment. With simple renal be able to attract money luck and success.
You will need cinnamon powder, dry clay and a drop of honey. Of the listed components should be thick enough to knead the composition, roll a small ball and shape in the form of a small coin. Until the clay has dried, on the one hand should draw a decent amount of money, and on the other to illustrate a self-portrait. To dry the finished product on the furnace or battery, and then put in a purse.
Producing any talisman, it is useful to read the following magic conspiracy: "Money pecunia, business to business, all in my purse". Strong faith in the execution of the plan will help fulfillment of desires, attract good luck and monetary prosperity. Mascots always need to keep to yourself, and success will forever remain close by.

Magical figures and symbols
Almost any object can be charged to achieve success and money. Enough only to display on the surface of magical symbols. For example, in the form of amulets with runes.
In the classic version of runes appear on the box, the inside of the purse or the bottom of the piggy Bank. Most often cause the following runes:
- Fehu reminds Latin letter "F", somewhat raised upward;
- Uruz symbolizes success, strength, and sun;
- Inguz is done in the form of a rhombus with a mustache and allows you to achieve fertility.
These runes are allowed to use in magical rituals that attract success and abundance.
Very popular money tree and figures in the form of animals. In ancient times people believed in the power of the sacred animal, trying to keep it in the house. In the absence of this feature, the animal was simply replaced by a similar figure.
Possess the power of magic animals think:
- domestic cats;
- frogs;
- elephants;
- cows.
Regardless of the choice, to perform the figures should be made of gold, ivory or wood. And definitely with my own hands. You also need to consider the following points: the frog can be put in the mouth of a coin, and the elephant's trunk have to look up.
Irredeemable bill
Among the most effective talismans which contribute to the enrichment and success, is considered irredeemable Bank note. It should be large. Select the bill quite easily: it is necessary to give preference to money donated or found.
And as a replacement for any coin of gold or gem, preferably an emerald.
They will contribute to easy money and success in life. The most important thing in this amulet – never give it on the exchange. Store bill is in a secluded place away from prying eyes. The reasons for this rule is quite simple – an outsider able to pick up cash power.
Strong cash mascot
Each defines suitable amulet for yourself, and often prefer the original and very powerful talisman which is called the "money bottle". At the heart of its action is the energy of the number five, which determines the success of the partnership and accumulation.
Therefore, it is created from the following components (5 pieces each):
- coin 50 kopecks;
- ruble coin;
- grains of millet;
- sprigs of cinnamon;
- sesame seeds;
- buds of clove;
- peanuts;
- black pepper peas.
Of the above should be placed in a green glass bottle and after every day to throw in one coin of any denomination. After the fifth week of the money talisman will be ready and will serve as an incredibly powerful means to achieve monetary prosperity.
To close the bottle is impossible, because it will just seal the success tightly. Nourish bottle of positive energy to allow frequent and close interaction. You must take the talisman in his hands, to stroke, to talk about their innermost feelings. And handled in hard times, he began to work with a vengeance.

The mascots for the zodiac sign
To protect from negative influences, to attract good luck and money amulets capable designed to carry a protection for the zodiac sign.
Given the signs of the zodiac, preference should be given to the following mascots:
- Aries: red, yellow, orange, square shape;
- Taurus: jewelry, metal with natural stones;
- Gemini: in the form of key, book, pen or mask;
- Cancer: images and figures in the form of sea turtles, fish, dolphins;
- Leo: charms with blazing Sun on the surface;
- Virgin natural stones that have a round hole;
- Libra: talismans with the image of the mark;
- Scorpio: a coin or figurine of a frog;
- Sagittarius: figure of a scarab and Phoenix;
- Capricorn: statuettes, medallions and coins of various forms;
- Aquarius: aquamarine, lapis lazuli, amethyst;
- Fish: figures of fishes and corals.
These talismans will help to live a full life, attracting positive energy on your side, in accordance with its sign.
Imperial amulet
As another powerful talisman for good luck use a special Imperial coin, which is made with their own hands. This approach allows for greater action of the amulet, since it "remembers" the Creator, after directing force only at him.
To produce Imperial coin is quite simple:
- with the onset of the full moon to place the talisman on a small piece of cloth red in color;
- to wrap the coin and carefully tie a green thread;
- whispering the magic words: "the Sky is strewn with stars, the sea is overflowing with water. Even in my purse a lot of money will be, and success is never gonna leave me! Amen."
- ready to hide the talisman in a secret place or a secret pocket of the wallet.
- In the manufacturing process of the amulet should provide a large amount of success in life, financial problems, and profit the money in your wallet.
Then you need to go to bed with thoughts about the future happy life.
Magical turquoise
Among the stones which bring good luck and money, often isolated turquoise. As a talisman it is used in accordance with special instructions. Before new moon, you must own hands to sew a small purse in a bag. And use only natural fabric in shades of blue.
In the finished wallet should put turquoise. With the onset of the new moon it must be opened, begin to fold inwards coins and banknotes, definitely on the rise. The money should be daily until the bag is filled with money completely. Worth it to close with the words:
"The bill is not rubles, and the solid thousands!".
Next, you need to empty the purse and count the accumulated "wealth" three times. After tie a blue ribbon and place closer to the place of storage of money in the house or to take to the workplace. You can periodically take the bag in hands and repeat the sacred words.

Are creating the success
Many people participate in lotteries, gambling and betting high amounts in the business.
In wins they are often assisted fortune and happiness comes from talismans, which are usually:
Quill pen.
Should take 1 pen and carefully cut off the bottom part where there are no hairs. You need to fill weed seeds psyllium, and then close the hole with molten wax from a lit candle. Throughout the ritual it is important to keep in mind the image of luck and incredible luck. Signing important contracts, buying a ticket or making a bet at the races, should keep ready the talisman next.
Black pepper.
You need to take a new clean sheet of white paper to write the required amount. Then three times to bend the inscription inside and placed in a small bottle of glass. Next, fill in the bubble of small peppercorns exactly in half and carefully resealed. Before you bet or buying a lottery ticket you can shake the bottle with your left hand, and luck would definitely follow.
Jack of spades.
Need to purchase a new deck of cards, to the Jack of spades. On the shirt in red ink to write the necessary amount of money. Next you need to put the card into a small cloth pouch, sewn by their hands. Put a few peas black pepper. This talisman works great and helps to take the right steps in relation to the game or business.
To catch the "tail" good luck many people want that not everyone. But a properly made talisman can help to get rid of bad luck and start a new, bright Chapter in life.
Various talismans for good luck and money can dramatically change the life of any person. With their help, you can succeed at work, acquire material possessions, to find love, and more. But the main thing to remember is that the mascot is not capable of performing miracles, so we need to try.
You need to show diligence at work, to find sources of additional income, meet new people, and so on. You must become the magnet that attracts money and success.