Catch the luck by the tail, many are trying for millennia. And not even to catch as many as you bring it in your house. To do this, each nation has its own methods: a variety of magic charms or amulets, which carried or kept in the room, and that they become true family heirlooms.What brings success?
1. Horseshoe

One of the most popular talismans that bring good luck, happiness and success. Lucky is not only a house in which there is such a talisman, but the man who found him. So, a Shoe should not buy, namely, to find, and only in this case it will become a talisman that brings happiness.
2. Four-leaf clover
3. Icon
This religious amulet and talisman of "not working", if in the heart there is no faith. But what icon to draw for a mascot, you need to decide individually, because you are choosing a patron for himself and his family. The best help an ancient icon, painted on wood. In addition, it is necessary not just to acquire it, but be sure to consecrate in the temple. Therefore, it is best to buy a relic at the monastery. Also, it is important to pray about the icons, because each of them has its own prayer, is for this the Holy face.
4. Hairpin
This simple subject, which is found in almost every box of thread, can also bring success. However here, as in the case of icons, it is important not only to purchase this item, but to use it properly. Often a pin is pinned on clothes "the evil eye", however, there are some nuances. Before pinning the pin, it needs to be heated on the fire for seven minutes, then it three times to pierce new wax Church candle and put the pin on a flat surface. On top sprinkle three pinches of flour, three pinches of salt and three pinches of red pepper, leaving it for the night. In the morning, your pin ready. But keep in mind that not all clothes can be fun. For example, girls can't hook onto the pin on the pants, as it is not traditionally women's clothing. In addition, a thing to which you pin this amulet should be made of natural materials. You also need to make sure the pin was hidden from prying eyes, therefore, it is often pinned to the joints. This pin can be stored at home, but in this case it needs to be uncovered and pinned downwards.
5. Statue of an elephant.
This symbol of success came to us from India and China. Of particular importance figurines elephant I see in the philosophy of Feng Shui, where it is believed that it helps to achieve harmony and guide the life energy in the right direction. Elephant with long trunk on the shelf in the Cabinet will bring your home luck and prosperity, will contribute to the enrichment of family capital.
6. Tattoo.
No wonder so many cultures it tattoos decorate the body. Marks on human skin can affect its fate. But it is very important to choose the right tattoo not to get the opposite effect. Often choose the picture totem, which should not only bring luck, but also to protect its owner. Should seriously reflect on the drawn symbol, because not all people are able to withstand strong energy of a dragon or a tiger, sometimes a small flower will be much more effective mascot.
7. Ladybug.

It is a favorite for all children is an insect mascot. And not even so much the bug as his image brings good luck and positive emotions. And here the important number of black spots on the back – the more, the stronger mascot.
8. Gems
The stones are formed in the bowels of the earth, absorb its energy and emit a certain vibration that can affect humans. Perhaps that is why some precious stones become talismans for their owners. But to find such an amulet is fairly hard, typically people feel "special location" of the stone, which is one of the signs of good luck crystal. There is a philosophy which explains the impact of various stones on the sign of the zodiac, the elements and even eye color. To believe or not believe is everyone's business, but, perhaps, no woman will refuse such a beautiful mascot.
9. Honey
The usefulness of honey is known to everyone, but the fact that honey has amazing properties to bring good luck, not familiar to everyone. Hints about it are in almost every tale, in which honey acts as a celebratory drink with magical properties. And not for nothing is the expression "like honey smeared" about the place, which we constantly strive to return. And use honey in many rituals to attract prosperity. So it was a treat brought home a fortune, you need to feed them a brownie. This saucer with a pattern of Golden color, pour the heated honey and put on the stove or on the table. Very soon you will notice that everything in the house went smoothly, and your work is done with great success for you. By the way, if a saucer turned upside down and the honey poured out — no offense, just want your house to fool around. Patiently wipe and pour the honey again.
10. Portrait of a Gypsy
This painting is one of the most controversial talisman of good luck, which caused a storm of comments. In itself, the picture is not a masterpiece, it is an ordinary portrait of a girl with a piercing glance, black eyes. But it is an amazing property sight brings happiness and at the same time is haunted by the owner for 150 years. The painting belongs to the carbon family, each achieved success as soon as the portrait was in the house. Someone who has won at cards, someone became successful traders, all women of this kind have become a mother even after a disappointing diagnosis of infertility. Noting that "property" of the picture, the members of the family Carbone began to give reproductions of their friends, who also organize the after life. It is interesting that American Newspapers, which published the portrait in itself, become quite successful, for example, Daily News. In the Soviet Union about this picture found in the late ' 80s, after the portrait appeared in the newspaper "Kuban news". Coincidence or not, but this newspaper is still published, while its more successful competitors have long been closed.
Most interesting is that a talisman of luck, can become any thing. Even little picked up on the street a puppy. Because here it is not important what you chose as a talisman, and then, what mood do you feel about the subject or animal. Why the animal? Many believe that they bring us happiness and a smile of fate. This may be the usual self, but every person subconsciously chooses for himself he needed the amulet. And you already have one?